To find more about the neighborhoods around us, and what events they have going on visit the following:
East Hills Council of Neighbors
The Heritage Hill Garden Tour is just before ours on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 9am-3pm. To get more information and purchase tickets visit their website.
To get caught up with what is happening in our neighborhood click on our 2023 newsletter.
Historical video of Ottawa Hills
This is a ‘rip’ from an old VHS tape. The credits say this was made in 1993 but the footage is clearly from the 1980s. If you grew up in the Ottawa Hills neighborhood of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this will bring back memories!
The Demolition of Ottawa Hills High School – Video by Melvin Schwartz
Combining amateur video with “found” archival images, this video depicts the beginning and the end of a building that at various times housed Ottawa Hills High School and Ottawa Hills Elementary School as well as other educational enterprises. The building was constructed in 1925 on Iroquois Drive in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was demolished in 2009.